Trusted By 15,000+ Journalism

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Let ChatJourno Provide Depth

Save time and effort in research as ChatJourno helps you to generate and summarise backstories for news articles

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Trusted By 100+ News Agencies

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Work Swiftly Like Never Before

Superfast Story Retrieval and Summarisation (SRS)

This feature allows you to quickly search for, generate, and summarise complex backstories, ensuring they are presented in the correct tense. With SRS, you can refine the summary multiple times until it meets your standards.

Journo Assistant (Chatbot)

Transform the way you handle complex reports with our chatbot. It breaks down intricate news and topics into easy-to-understand summaries. With your prompts, you can control the depth of information, brainstorm further, or delve into specifics, making it your personal assistant for navigating challenging content in any beat.

Easy Code And Plugin Integration

Quickly integrate ChatJourno anywhere you want.

Seamless Integration

Get set up quickly with seamless integration - No fuss, just easy connections to keep everything running smoothly

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Why we are building this

Writing a robust backstory with verified information and backlinks is essential for credible reporting, but it can be a time-consuming experience for journalists. ChatJourno removes the monotonous process of backgrounding new stories and helps you gain a head start on drafting impactful stories enriched with contextual details.

Chatjourno is a journalist assistant that automates routine tasks such as research and data analysis for journalists.



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Team Member 2
Team Member 3
Thomas Ugochukwu

Frequently Asked Questions

ChatJourno started with the idea that news could be faster and smarter. As journalism moved online, we saw the potential for AI to help.